Osteochondrosis and its causes

The disease, which is more of the spillage, a chronic form of the injury to the spinal discs in the cartilage is called osteochondrosis. To develop, usually Starting at the 25, do the to 30 years, chronic course, pride is closer to 40 years of age. Low back pain is one of the most common causes of pain in the back.

Osteochondrosis of the spine

What is the osteochondrosis

This term refers to a disease that affects the tissues of the spine. Over time, the spine compresses in the crush of the discs. This plate is necessary for the eu to strengthen the vertebra. The dimensions of the intervertebral discs of the change, they don't get enough energy in to stop to carry out these functions. At the advanced stage of osteoarthritis of the back can cause herniation, or a curvature of the spine. Often, the disease becomes the cause of persons with disabilities.

For the reasons

The real cause of such diseases as have always osteochondrosis is unknown to the doctors, but there are a couple of of the factors of the development of the disease in, for example:

  • Congenital and the acquired grass of the spinal column, due to the frequent attack, and the effects of the.
  • The bad genetics of the diseases of the spine in the family.
  • Age, excessive weight gain.
  • The straight leg posture, and in other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The metabolic disorder.
  • Take a seat in the atrophied muscles.
  • The sudden movement too much, or put pressure on the muscles to the bones, asymmetrical movements during a training or a job.
  • Unbalanced diet, Smoking, use of drugs with alcohol.
  • Adverse environmental conditions — high humidity, low temperatures, is in a bad environment.
  • The wearing of improper shoes high heels.

That's just the basic factors that influence the development of the course of the disease. The disease is common in people who perform work of a heavy physical nature. For example, the weights, the movers, gymnasts, or contractors. The constant stress, lack of exercise in a diet can also be caused by the development of such diseases as osteochondrosis of the spine.

Osteochondrosis of the spine, in the adult, in its ranking of the

The disease may begin in adolescence, when the spine is simply nima long time to grow. Over a period of time, however, the problem goes away. Children move a lot, exercise in a well-balanced diet with a high content of vitamins helps you to forget about the pain in your lower back.

However, the students may be different. Osteochondrosis of the spine in adults are associated with age-related changes in the such as poor nutrition in maritime studies and transport, the cartilage within of the bone. The intervertebral discs of an adult may vary in structure, they have their own boats, so as to get the food to the iz and in the oxygen to the other tissues. To provide cartilage nutrition is a main priority in the fight against osteoarthritis. You can only the exercises done by doing a ban that are suitable for the groups of the muscles of the back. It also helps to physical therapy, and massage, in a proper diet.

According to the researchers, the united states, the incidence is increasing each year.

Osteochondrosis of the spinal column of an adult in the states United of America, the discovery of more than 30% of the population, this number is increasing every year. It Seems to be more often the case with men, so whether you prefer a sedentary lifestyle, or do a heavy physical entity. In Russia, for example, so that the numbers are even more disappointing. More than 50% of the adult population who are unable to work due to problems with the nervous system, the muscular-skeletal system.

The pain in the back of the head into the neck to reduce the craving for life. The person who becomes passive in the irritable. Are common of depression, is accompanied by a deterioration of the health of the. Usually, low back pain, number of comorbidities, such as chronic emotional stress, migraine headache, in the diseases of the circulatory system.

The spinal degenerative disc disease: symptoms at diagnosis

The symptoms of this disease manifested, it is clear that the replaced by rigid.

In the beginning, it is necessary to specify osteochondrosis, let us remember just some of the main characters in the seek qualified assistance.

Osteochondrosis of the spine in adults

There are 4 types of diseases: cervical, lumbar, thoracic, in a hybrid, that is, the number of locations of the spinal column.

Thus, Symptoms are dependent on the viewing angle is a bit different:

  • For lumbar degenerative disk disease characteristic of constant low back pain which takes place, sometimes, often, however, replaced by an acute attack.
  • The pain in the back, you can zoom in or during the exercise of the sudden movement.
  • Most often, the pain, the change in the game. The broadcast of the pelvic organs, pelvis, in the whole of the foot.
  • The sensitivity of the feet has a broken part, but rather a more advanced form in its entirety will disappear.
  • The man has a hard bend in the road in se obrne of the body, and the patient tries to maintain the same posture, and not to make myself the frustration.

The symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease is a bit different:

  • There, by the frequent headaches that will not go away, the pain after the use of the well will be aggravated by turning the head in the deflection.
  • It is very easy and the Patient to feel dizzy when you move your head.
  • The pain of iz, the cervix produces a back and arms, and chest.
  • Often, there is impairment of vision, in hearing, in front of his eyes appear as dark spots, it is difficult to focus the eyes on any object.
  • You may also feel numbness of the tongue, as well as a noticeable change in the voice.

Thoracic degenerative disc disease is often be confused with the cervical appearance, but there are a couple of very specific things:

  • The Patient can experience pain in the chest, the shoulders, the arms.
  • Overcooling occurs After a marked deterioration, and the pain increases, or the night of the execution.
  • It is difficult, take a deep breath, the chest as if constricted.
  • They occur on the skin, tingling or burning sensation, rapid freezing of the arms, in the legs.
  • The pain is worse when the speed of walking or running.

The diagnosis of

To make a diagnosis, the doctor addresses the patient in a variety of positions — standing, lying, sitting, in movement, in the period of rest. Therefore, in the consultation, it is important to talk about your blunt [spirits of the craft] complaint, even if it is a bit of pain to get worse when coughing or sneezing. It can also have an effect on the subsequent diagnosis. To confirm or on the contrary refute the presence of a disease prescribed by a number of additional hardware and software in this study. One of the most popular types of MRI, an x-ray to computed tomography.

The spinal degenerative disc disease, the symptoms, which can often help to identify a number of diseases, such as kyphosis, herniated disk protrusion of the discs, and the doctor is necessary.

It is not necessary that the self-heal in a delayed visit to an indefinite period of time, the health care provider. It affects not only the presence of pain in the back, but in the fullness of life.

Osteochondrosis of the spine: treatment of the surgical

The dangerous Treatment of the disease is in turn divided into a 2 — conservative the surgical intervention. The right treatment Choice can only be a specialist, the patient is often no need to consult the doctors — a neurologist, traumatologist surgeon in the.

A more advanced form of the disease can be remedied only with surgery. Next, we need to have conservative treatment, which helps to recover the body. In the postoperative period include massage, physiotherapy in the diet.

The treatment of the medicine

It is often a doctor prescribed in the detection of such diseases as osteochondrosis, in the treatment of these medicines. It is complete, in combination with a diet that includes more of the installment of the s in the s. The consumption of vitamins there is a requirement for taking the medication, you do not have a negative effect on bone, the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract.

Osteochondrosis Treatment, with the help of medications may include a number of categories:

  • The use of analgesics in the anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Antispasmodic complex.
  • As appropriate.
  • The blood microcirculation has.
  • The preparation for the reconstruction of the cartilage.

However, it is not only a products looking. Often, the "passive" treatment of a does not give the desired results, and in sometimes, the way to the end of its life. It is important not only to wait, in order to improve the care of your health in a natural way. Also, the progressive is allowed, the number of patients exercises to increase muscle tone in in the improved blood flow to the.

Conservative treatment is the need for iz, consisting of more and more processes, for example:

Vertebral osteochondrosis
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Manual massage of the therapy.
  • Physiotherapy and medical equipment.
  • A well-balanced diet in working with a mental health condition in cases of stress.

In many cases, the people assisted exercise therapy, and massage therapy is the manual. Most of the doctors try to cure without medicines, as all medicines are not only healthy, but also caused some damage to the body.

Massage therapy is the manual

Often, patients to make the treatment of the chiropractors. But that is only the prevention of disease, or be a great way to relieve the pain of an acute attack. To carry out the Process of the experienced professionals. Often, patients on, for example, in order to carry out a course of massage, or even acupuncture. This is to be masseur to deal with extreme caution as any wrong move may cause pain and even injury to the spinal column.

Acupuncture helps to normalize hormone balance, relieve the pain of the spasm, to restore the tone of the muscles.


The massage To enhance the effectiveness of the medications that are with exercise. However, we must not forget that they need to exercise on a regular basis, in free new. Also, don't over exercise, during attacks of the disease. First of all, you need to remove the deterioration. A special set of exercises, it is important to choose a doctor that is depends on the extent of the disease. But easily the most often, there is no gymnastic movements, sudden movements.

Help to Physical therapy to relieve pain, strengthen the muscles of the frame, remove the cramps. Methods of massage of the physical therapy often provides the opportunity to upstage the use of the drug.

Physical therapy, physical therapy

This is an important part of the treatment. The patient is in a postoperative period, or as a Supplement to the basic treatment, you can designate the following types of therapy:

  • The shock-wave method.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • The laser treatment.
  • Balneotherapy.
  • Detensor, or traction of the spine.
  • Vibro.

The method of Any actual positive effects on the body, but rather to perform those procedures by prescription in the a doctor's care.

The treatment of osteochondrosis

Treatment of folk remedies of the media

To relieve nagging pain, or may be convulsions, both of the traditional methods. For example, the rubbing of the different roots of the herb, made from the wool, or bee venom.

Many of the folk remedies of the media can be used in the interior of the external — rubbing, and squeezes in the bath. However, you need to know, but do you have an Allergy on certain components. Special attention should be paid to the rastertime in the ointment on the basis of the toxic properties of the plants. In addition, some of the plants so as to reduce the effect of the medication. It is important to consult with an expert prior to the merger, with the trial.

A scrub role in providing a warming effect, which ensures that the blood flow to the damaged discs.

A sheep or a dog hair in the relief of the pain of the contractions is in the swelling. A good place to warm up the sore. Also warms up the lower back pain will help to of the role of kerosene in the soap. You will need To make, to dampen the natural of the fabric in kerosene, wring out the soap, it is. The fabric of the na is to be applied to the skin, in wrap up in a warm shawl. Leave for 1-2 hours, the bandage should be removed in any discomfort.


Salt — this is the one that is in the first off place, in the presence of degenerative disc disease. However, it is Important to gradually reduce the amount of the product. If you want to own eliminated from the diet, you need a coffee, a soda, in a too-sweet food. The extra weight, it is recommended to remove the bread in a regular bread instead of the muffins with bran or dry biscuits.

The main part of your diet should consist of animal protein — meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, a year. Of the food the prices are not the sme to forget. A lot of of the vitamins contained in the cabbage, bell pepper, carrot, celery in the parsley! Buying mayonnaise in sunflower oil, it is preferable to mount olive with a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice.

The recovery of cartilage tissue, it is important to consume vitamins a, C, D, a, B, calcium, magnesium in the manganese. All of that is contained in a large volume of products that are available-nuts, cheese, salad, saltwater fish, into the oil. The patient must ensure that a high intake of calcium along with the magnesium, the calcium was not absorbed in more leach out of the bones, which would have a negative impact on the course of treatment.


If you do not treat the disease, he knew that it would cause complications. Lower back pain can develop sciatica, a hernia, high blood pressure, and in intercostal neuralgia.

The more serious the consequences of the that is a stroke in a while you catch ' an attack of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. One of the most dangerous complications of compression of the vertebral arteries. Delivered to do not the brain to the heart, without any of the high risk of problems with the cardiovascular system, the service provider is in sight.

The prevention of

If you want to avoid this disease, that need regular exercise — yoga, swimming, running.

We take care of the correct posture, as well as a chair with a rigid backrest to support your back straight. A great The prevention of it will be a special massage mat.

Try not to carry heavy weights, on the one hand, in the ne of the exercises, the asymmetrical, when the training course.

Choose shoes with the right Shoe in the shock-absorbing sole.

Food is an important element in the fight against diseases of degenerative disc, so stick to a proper diet is one of the most important rules.